Contact information:
Phone: (734) 744-9822
Personal E-mail:
Cell Phone: (231) 557-3468
Judge Neil G. Mullally (Ret) is a native of Muskegon County, Michigan. He mediates out of our Livonia office and handles our west side of Michigan and out-state cases. He graduated with honors from Michigan State University, and was a high school teacher and coach for two years before attending the University of Michigan Law School, where he graduated in 1973.
After serving as an assistant Muskegon County Prosecutor, Judge Mullally entered private law practice for thirteen years, and then for more than thirty years he served as a trial court judge in Muskegon County. During that time, his trial court experience included serving as the Chief Judge of Probate Court, Presiding Judge of the Family Division of the 14th Circuit Court, and Presiding Judge of the Business Court of the 14th Circuit Court. Judge Mullally was one of the first sitting judges in Michigan to be certified as both a Domestic Relations Mediator and a Civil Mediator. After retiring from the bench in December of 2016, Judge Mullally has affiliated as Of Counsel with the West Michigan law firm of Williams Hughes, PLLC, and with Michigan Judicial Alternative Dispute Resolution, a Michigan mediation and arbitration service whose members are exclusively highly experienced retired judges. Judge Mullally is restricting his practice to mediation. He also continues to serve from time to time in Michigan trial courts as a visiting judge when requested by the Michigan State Court Administrator’s Office.
Judge Mullally has served in leadership positions in several areas of volunteer service to the legal profession and the general community, including the United Way, Catholic Social Services, the Grand Rapids Diocese Secretariat for Social Justice, the Muskegon Forum Committee, the YMCA, the Muskegon Museum of Art, the Muskegon Irish American Society, and the Muskegon County Bar Association. The Michigan Supreme Court appointed him as a member of the Michigan Supreme Court Task Force on Court Reform, and as a member of the Michigan Supreme Court Technology Advisory Group. Most recently, he was a member of the State Bar Subcommittee on Court Structure and Judicial Resources. He is presently involved in the development of a mentoring program for Michigan judges.
In 1998 Judge Mullally introduced the concepts of Mediation and Balanced and Restorative Justice in Muskegon County. The Michigan Department of Human Services has recognized Muskegon County as a leader in establishing Balanced and Restorative Justice in Michigan. In 2007, Judge Mullally was the recipient of the first Neil G. Mullally Restorative Justice Award, an award established in his name and presented annually to a person or organization that has supported balanced and restorative justice in the Muskegon community. In June of 2017, the 14th Circuit Court and Muskegon County Board of Commissioners established the annual Honorable Neil G. Mullally Award for Outstanding Reunification Services, which will be presented each year to an individual that has provided exceptional reunification services to separated families.
Judge Mullally is certified as a mediator, and is the President of the Board of Mediation and Restorative Services, the alternative dispute resolution agency for Muskegon, Oceana, Mason, and Manistee Counties. He is also Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of the USS Silversides Submarine Museum, which is a federally designated national historic landmark. Additionally, he is a board member and past president of the Muskegon Irish American Society, and founder of the Michigan Irish American Hall of Fame.
Judge Mullally has presented programs for the Michigan Probate Judges’ Association, the Michigan Probate and Juvenile Registers’ Association, the Michigan Judicial Institute, the Michigan Foster Care Review Board, the Michigan Department of Human Services, Ferris State University, Muskegon Community College, the Institute of Continuing Legal Education (ICLE), and other organizations.
Judge Mullally is married and the father of three adult children, and is the grandfather of two grandchildren. For more detailed information concerning Judge Mullally, please review his curriculum vitae by clicking on CV link: Mullally Mediator cv
Mediate with Confidence!